About us

Both musicians have been tutored by some of the best in the business, and together bring a wealth of musical expertise and performance experience internationally and across the UK.

Sharon is an experienced singer and performer who has been performing since the age of 12.

She has sung on national television, released singles on BBC Radio, and albums in the UK/ Europe, as well as having session sung for a number of UK artists. Sharon has made guest appearances on a selection of dance remixes, in collaboration with various producers, which have also appeared in the Top 30 charts.

She has been tutored by Arlene Randozzo (Coloratura Soprano at the Metropolitan Opera House for 15 years);  Geoff Saunders, MD and pianist to Shirley Bassey, the late Roy Castle, and the infamous Frank Sinatra; and Norma Winstone and Lee Gibson at the Guildhall School of Music.


John has over 20 years' performance and playing experience, having previously supported Shalamar, playing with live soul collective featuring vocalist Francis Campbell, as well as working with rock steady reggae band. He regularly features in an acoustic jazz ensemble with renowned pianist Geoff Castle and Sharon Kelly on vocals.

John has been tutored by Tony Skinner, a Session player and International performer, London College of Music (LCM) Examiner/Tutor, Director and Founder of RGT (Registry of Guitar Tutors) which is endorsed by Sir Paul McCartney and David Gilmour.

He has also had Master Classes with John Etheridge and Big Jim Sullivan and is a qualified RGT Guitar Educator and tutor.


2014 Copyright of  Southern Breeze. Created by Original Associates Ltd